書 號:
編 者:
I S B N:
規 格:
菊16開本 約175頁
定 價:
250 元

The amazing stories in this book are first-hand accounts of people from all walks of life who recovered from serious, or in many cases, terminal diseases through practicing Falun Dafa.

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is practiced by millions of people around the world. You may have read about it in the news, or perhaps come across Falun Dafa practitioners at a parade or some other civic event. It's also common to see a group of practitioners gathered in a park doing the gentle, slow moving exercises or sitting with their legs crossed in meditation.

Most people who practice the exercises daily and follow the teachings of Falun Dafa report improvements in their health. Ofen, these improvements are subtle, involving such things as relief from stress, better sleep, a“ lighter” and more energetic feeling, and happier moods. Many others, though, such as those whose stories are collected in this book, report dramatic health improvements, including the disappearance of life-threatening diseases.



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